Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The Birth of a Publishing Company 3

Today is the day we've been working towards with excitement and also much preparation. You always need to be ready for a birth, and this morning our new publishing company was born. After much discussion between the eager couple a name had been settled on in readiness for the big day and it's Ward Wood Publishing.

Of course the mother and father of this new publishing company aren't a real couple: we're business partners, so the important step we needed to make involved signing a partnership agreement. I was delighted to sign my name under that of Mike Fortune-Wood, who brings years of publishing experience to the new company.

I have long admired Mike's expertise with graphics and web design as well as the production side of publishing. He's also the business manager and particularly easy to work with. The book covers he designs are admired by many, me included. I'll be in charge of all things editorial and dealing with promotion, and we'll both be involved in book launches and events.

The company is new but Mike has experience with Cinnamon Press and I've spent my whole working life in writing and publishing, so we're far from new to the business. The signing of the partnership agreement should have been followed by a champagne celebration - a champagne breakfast at that time of day - but Mike was driving back to Wales and I didn't want to risk losing him straight away! So instead there was a good deal of chatting, laughing, and discussing ideas without alcohol in the London sunshine.

Those of you reading this to find out how to set up a publishing company will want to know how to arrange a partnership agreement and author contracts. We had author contracts which we could modify as we have both worked for publishing companies before, but you can get a model contract from the Society of Authors and tweak it for your own needs. There are partnership agreements available online but most are too complex and would need a lawyer to sort out any amendments. Mike purchased a more simple partnership agreement suitable to our needs.

Soon our website will go live and the first three authors are looking at their contracts as I write this. I'm pleased with the first books we'll be aiming to bring out this autumn and can only let you all guess how it makes me feel to have made this step today. It's the realisation of a long-held dream now that Ward Wood Publishing is born.


  1. Excellent! I've just read about this in Sue's site - what a great first author to have on your list. Wishing the project every success.

  2. Good luck with this, it sounds amazing and you've shown great taste in picking Sue already!

  3. WOOHOO! Congratulations, Adele! A dream come true. I wish you much success and will be on the lookout for that link to your website.

  4. The website is just about to go live, Bea. Thanks Sarah - you were the first author on my online interview show so yet another great choice as a 'First'!

    I'll have a few more wonderful authors to announce soon, after the contracts are out and when I've got the books edited for autumn publication.

    I'll be blogging all these steps too, including information about how I've been selecting and editing.

  5. Congratulations on your new venture! Here from blogflow.


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